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Hi! I'm Anna

A frontend developer

I love creating scalable, accessible and charming interfaces that connect the user with the product.

Recent projects

Positivus Landing screenshot

Positivus Landing

An example of an adaptive and accessible pixel-perfect landing page, demonstrating my attention to detail and knowledge of HTML and modern CSS development.

Built with Vue 3, Vite and SCSS

WYSIWYG editor screenshot

WYSIWYG editor

A Vue-based WYSIWYG editor. Features include editable text, edit history navigation, text formatting, image insertion via URL, and HTML copy to clipboard. And some research in %)

Built with Vue, TipTap library

Weather App screenshot

Weather App

Classic weather app that demonstrates my skills in working with REST API and asynchronous operations, developed with a mobile-first approach, accessible.

Built with Vue 3 & TS, Vite, SCSS, Vuex and ECharts

Kanban Board screenshot

Kanban Board

Single-board Kanban system with drag-and-drop features. Demonstrates my skills in working with state managers, as well as handling forms and their validation.

Built with Vue 3 & TS, SCSS, Pinia, drag&drop, Vitest & Vue Testing Utils

'Other bookmarks' Manager screenshot

'Other bookmarks' Manager

Drag-and-drop manager for the Other Bookmarks folder in Chrome New Tab with a custom theme and full data synchronization through the Chrome API.

Built with Chrome API, Vue 3 & TS, Vue.Draggable and Vueform

Kettle Remote Control screenshot

Kettle Remote Control

An app that allows my friend to remotely control his kettle through a web interface after authorization, it connects to the kettle's retrofitted microcontroller via WebSocket. A Node.js server has been implemented for demonstration purposes.

Built with Vue 3 & TS, Node.js, SCSS, Websocket

My skills

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS
  • TS
  • Vue.js
  • Git
  • Tailwind
  • SASS
  • BEM
  • Nuxt.js
  • Pinia, Vuex
  • Vitest
  • Chrome Extensions


  • Russian: native
  • English: B1
  • Turkish: A1

Job experience

MJML email developer

Kryptex, Nov 2022 — present, part-time

Developed adaptive layouts using Tailwind and SCSS, closely collaborating with designers.

Built interface components with Nuxt.js and Vue.js as well as Django templates.

Integrated the ECharts library for data visualization from the backend in the user's personal dashboard.

Developed pixel-perfect and responsive email templates from Figma designs using MJML


RS School

JavaScript/Front-end Course, 2022

Self-study, webinars, cross-checks, mentor-guided projects, including a team project.

St Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering, 2014-2018

Analytical thinking, problem-solving, and attention to detail were essential in my engineering studies.